
London: 1933–1935 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s pastoral sojourn in England from October 1933 to April of 1935, which he initially viewed as a withdrawal from the church clashes in Germany, marked instead a new phase in his intensive participation in that struggle. This enlightening volume provides an almost daily documentation of his deepening engagement against the placid backdrop of his two London pastorates. ...

and obediently lets it be done unto her as the Spirit commands her, who lets the Spirit blow where it wills[5]—she speaks, by the power of this Spirit, about God’s coming into the world, about the Advent of Jesus Christ. ¶She, of course, knows better than anyone else what it means to wait for Christ’s coming. Her waiting is different from that of any other human being. She expects him as his mother. He is closer to her than to anyone else. She knows the secret of his coming, knows about the Spirit,
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